A reliable name to avail quality-assured Maize Starch, Pregel Starch, Paper Industry Starch, Textile Industry Starch, Sweetener, White Dextrin etc...

About Us

Our reputed company, Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd., is working remarkably as a manufacturer and exporter of Maize Starch, Pregel Starch, Paper Industry Starch, Textile Industry Starch, Sweetener, White Dextrin etc.

We are excellently catering to the needs of textile, paper, adhesives, food and pharmaceutical industries. Our company owns a voluminous production space in which offered products are well-manufactured by experts. Qualified experts take into use modern machines to make product line in order to make it stand tall on quality requirements of clients.

Code of Conduct

Company has a code of conduct rules (according clause 49 of the listing agreement), which are to be followed by Board Members and Senior Management.


Code is applied on the following:
  • Directors of Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd.
  • Executive directors, encompassing functional heads
  • Members of senior management

This Code lays before some of the guiding principles, which members of the senior management and directors should imbibe in their working at the time of serving needs of shareholders, customers, employees and overall society. These reputed personnel should understand their value to the company as trustees and should work by winning confidence of the major audience connected with the welfare of the company.

Effective Date

From the 1st January 2006, this code comes into effect.

The Code

Senior Management and directors of the business entity should follow the below mentioned code conduct:
  • Trying best to be present in all the committee and board meetings.
  • Confirm to the mandatory and statutory laws and regulations of company.
  • Guarantee safeguarding all crucial and confidential information of the company.
  • Working honestly with customers, stakeholders, business partners and government authorities
  • Indirectly or directly not associated with competitors.
  • Not take undue benefits of the position.
  • Transparency should be maintained in deals.
  • Disclosure of details regarding personal interest in transaction with business entity.
  • Shouldn't promote issues between personal interest and the company's interest.
  • Do not take personal favors from business partners, service providers, etc.
  • Do not accept or derive any personal gratification from suppliers. Service providers, business partners
  • Assisting in making company come across as an Equal Opportunity Employer.
  • Work hard to fulfill social responsibilities.
  • Not to harm reputation of the company.
  • Accountable for the decisions and actions taken in business.

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